Maintenance Applications can be filed alongwith Divorce petitions and also separately under section 125 Crpc...
Petition for restitution of Conjugal rights
A party can approach the court for restoration of conjugal rights. When either the husband or the wife has...
Custody of Children/Guardianship/Visitation Rights
The Hon’ble Supreme Court in Shri Rajinder Kumar Mishra Vs Shrimati Richa AIR 2005 All 379, held that ...
Domestic Violence
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 safeguards and protects the rights of women from domestic violence . for more information call us at ...
Transfer Petition in the Supreme Court of India
Usually when a Divorce Petition(Contested Divorce) is filed by one party in a particular state and the other party ..
Legal Notice
Prior to filing a suit or initiating a criminal proceeding , every person has an option of serving a Legal Notice to give to the opposite party given them an ...
Trade Mark Infringement – A branch of Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)
Trade mark infringement occurs when there is a likelihood of ....
File Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court of India within 24 hrs ...
Caveat Petitions In Supreme Court are filed by the Party in whose favour the order a has been passed in the High Court. Once Caveat is registered...
Special Leave Petition/Review Petition in the Supreme Court of India
Article 136 of the constitution of india. Supreme Court may , in its discretion , grant special Leave from any judgment or decree, determination, sentence or order in any cause or matter ....
Curative Petition- Supreme Court of India
Rupa Ashok Hurra v. Ashok Hurra (2002)4 SCC 388; AIR 2002 SC 1771 A curative petition can be filed under ...
Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 deals with the appointment of arbitrators.
Quashing Petition (S 482 CRPC) in High Courts.
The Inherent power under Section 482 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (37th Chapter of the code) is ...
All Complaint cases before the Metropolitan Magistrates Court, Kolkata...