

        Order XIV CPC

Order XIV CPC  deals with Settlement of Issues and Determination of Suit on Issues of Law or on Issues Agreed upon.

Order 14 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) pertains to the provisions related to the production, impounding, and return of documents in civil proceedings. It lays down the rules and procedures regarding the inspection, verification, and preservation of documents that are relevant to a case. Under Order 14, parties to a civil suit can request the court to order the other party to produce specific documents or categories of documents that are in their possession or control.

The court may issue such an order if it deems the documents to be necessary for the just decision of the case. The order also covers the impounding of documents, which means that if a document is produced in court but is not admitted as evidence, the court may retain it as part of the court records. Additionally, the provision outlines the process for returning the documents to the parties once they are no longer required for the case. The court may direct the return of the documents to the party who produced them or make any other suitable arrangements for their return. It’s important to note that the specifics of the provision may vary slightly depending on the jurisdiction and any amendments made to the code. It’s always advisable to refer to the applicable provisions in the jurisdiction where the case is being heard for accurate information.

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Remarriage of Divorced Persons


Section 15 of the Hindu Marriage Act ,1955 provides for remarriage of divorced persons  in contested divorce cases.

 “15. Divorced persons when may marry again.—When a marriage has been dissolved by a decree of divorce and either there is no right of appeal against the decree or, if there is such a right of appeal, the time for appealing has expired without an appeal having been presented, or an appeal has been presented but has been dismissed, it shall be lawful for either party to the marriage to marry again.”

The provision of Section 15 of the Hindu Marriage Act,1955 has been subject matter of a recent decision of the Supreme Court in Krishnaveni Rai v. Pankaj Rai and Anr., (2020) 11 SCC 253. In that case the ex-husband of appellant wife remarried as no appeal was filed within period of limitation. The appeal was preferred by the appellant wife almost one year after the expiry of period of limitation. In this factual backdrop, the Supreme Court held that bar of Section 15 was not attracted, it was lawful for the ex-husband to remarry and the appeal was infructous from the inception. The relevant extract of the judgment reads as under:

“28. Section 15 clarifies that when a marriage has been dissolved by a decree of divorce, and there is no right of appeal against the decree, or if there is such a right of appeal, the time for appealing has expired without an appeal having been preferred, or an appeal has been presented but the same has been dismissed, it shall be lawful for either party to the marriage to marry again. Had it been the legislative intent that a marriage during the pendency of an appeal should be declared void, Section 11 would expressly have provided so.

  1. As held by this Court in Anurag Mittal v. Shaily Mishra Mittal [Anurag Mittal v. Shaily Mishra Mittal, (2018) 9 SCC 691 : (2018) 4 SCC (Civ) 550] , the object of Section 15 is to provide protection to the person who had filed an appeal against the decree of dissolution of marriage and to ensure that such appeal was not frustrated. The protection afforded by Section 15 is primarily to a person contesting the decree of divorce. As observed by Bobde, J. in his concurring judgment in Anurag Mittal [Anurag Mittal v. Shaily Mishra Mittal, (2018) 9 SCC 691 : (2018) 4 SCC (Civ) 550] : (SCC pp. 702-703, paras 31 & 33)

“I am in agreement with the view taken by Nageswara Rao, J. but it is necessary to state how the question before us has already been settled by the decision in Lila Gupta v. Laxmi Narain [Lila Gupta v. Laxmi Narain, (1978) 3 SCC 258] . Even when the words of the proviso were found to be prohibitory in clear negative terms — “it shall not be lawful”, etc., this Court held that the incapacity to marry imposed by the proviso did not lead to an inference of nullity, vide para 9 of Lila Gupta [Lila Gupta v. Laxmi Narain, (1978) 3 SCC 258] . It is all the more difficult to infer nullity when there is no prohibition; where there are no negative words but on the other hand positive words like “it shall be lawful”. Assuming that a marriage contracted before it became lawful to do so was unlawful and the words create a disability, it is not possible to infer a nullity or voidness vide paras 9 and 10 of Lila Gupta case [Lila Gupta v. Laxmi Narain, (1978) 3 SCC 258] . …

  1. What is held in essence is that if a provision of law prescribes an incapacity to marry and yet the person marries while under that incapacity, the marriage would not be void in the absence of an express provision that declares nullity. Quae incapacity imposed by statute, there is no difference between an incapacity imposed by negative language such as “it shall not be lawful” or an incapacity imposed by positive language like “it shall be lawful (in certain conditions, in the absence of which it is impliedly unlawful)”. It would thus appear that the law is already settled by this Court that a marriage contracted during a prescribed period will not be void because it was contracted under an incapacity. Obviously, this would have no bearing on the other conditions of a valid marriage. The decision in Lila Gupta case [Lila Gupta v. Laxmi Narain, (1978) 3 SCC 258] thus covers the present case on law.”
  2. In any case, the bar of Section 15 is not at all attracted in the facts and circumstances of this case, where the appeal from the decree of divorce had been filed almost a year after expiry of the period of limitation for filing an appeal. Section 15 permits a marriage after dissolution of a marriage if there is no right of appeal against the decree, or even if there is such a right to appeal, the time of appealing has expired without an appeal having been presented, or the appeal has been presented but has been dismissed. In this case, no appeal had been presented within the period prescribed by limitation.
  3. The bar, if any, under Section 15 of the Hindu Marriage Act applies only if there is an appeal filed within the period of limitation, and not afterwards upon condonation of delay in filing an appeal unless of course, the decree of divorce is stayed or there is an interim order of court, restraining the parties or any of them from remarrying during the pendency of the appeal.

Reference of various judgments are available in here

It can therefore be concluded that a divorce person who has availed a divorce decree without any fraudulent means may remarry after the expiry of the period of limitation for the opposite party to file an appeal. For more information kindly click here


Articles/Blogs Online Consultation

Online Lawyer Consultation

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Onilne lawyer consultation kolkata or online lawyer consultation in kolkata as you may call it , there are various  possibilities for online legal advice. Here are several possibilities:  is an online active  service that links clients seeking legal  assistance and advice with Kolkata-based  lawyers  providing a  variety of legal services, including those related to corporation law, family law, and property law.  is a team of skilled lawyers proficient in family laws or matrimonial laws as is otherwise known completely focused   on various legal areas  and provide clients with one on one legal counsel.

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Articles/Blogs Trade Mark



To believe that just  mere registration of a trade mark   would  mean a trade mark is common to trade is not a correct understanding and therefore it is important to deal with the subject of trade mark infringers who would not create any harm by use of a simiar trade mark. .  Insignificant infringers of trade marks The Division Bench of this the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi  in Pankaj Goel v. Dabur India Ltd. has been clear on this point which reads as under:

―21. As far as the Appellant’s argument that the word MOLA is common to the trade and that variants of MOLA are available in the market, we find that the Appellant has not been able to prima facie prove that the said ‘infringers’ had significant business turnover or they posed a threat to Plaintiff’s distinctiveness. In fact, we are of the view that the Respondent/Plaintiff is not expected to sue all small type infringers who may not be affecting Respondent/Plaintiff business. The Supreme Court in National Bell v. Metal Goods , has held that a proprietor of a trademark need not take action against infringement which do not cause prejudice to its distinctiveness. In Express Bottlers Services Pvt. Ltd. v. Pepsi Inc. , it has been held as under:—

… To establish the plea of common use, the use by other persons should be shown to be substantial. In the present case, there is no evidence regarding the extent of the trade carried on by the alleged infringers or their respective position in the trade. If the proprietor of the mark is expected to pursue each and every insignificant infringer to save his mark, the business will come to a standstill. Because there may be occasion when the malicious persons, just to harass the proprietor may use his mark by way of pinpricks…. The mere use of the name is irrelevant because a registered proprietor is not expected to go on filing suits or proceedings against infringers who are of no consequence… Mere delay in taking action against the infringers is not sufficient to hold that the registered proprietor has lost the mark intentionally unless it is positively proved that delay was due to intentional abandonment of the right over the registered mark. This Court is inclined to accept the submissions of the respondent No. 1 on this point… The respondent No. 1 did not lose its mark by not proceeding against insignificant infringers…

In fact, in Dr. Reddy Laboratories v. Reddy Paharmaceuticals,  a Single Judge of  the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi  has held as under:—

…the owners of trade marks or copy rights are not expected to run after every infringer and thereby remain involved in litigation at the cost of their business time. If the impugned infringement is too trivial or insignificant and is not capable of harming their business interests, they may overlook and ignore petty violations till they assume alarming proportions. If a road side Dhaba puts up a board of ―Taj Hotel‖, the owners of Taj Group are not expected to swing into action and raise objections forthwith. They can wait till the time the user of their name starts harming their business interest and starts misleading and confusing their customers.

The Division Bench of the Hon’ble High  Court of Delhi  in Sun Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd. v. Hetero Healthcare Ltd. , has stated  thus:

―38. In the case of Panacea Biotec Ltd. v. Recon Ltd8 , the plaintiff was using the trademark ‗NIMULID‘ and had filed a suit for injunction against the defendant for using the mark ‗REMULIDE‘ in relation to the same medicine with the API being ‗NIMESULIDE. This Court held that when the name is derived or coined from the name of the principal ingredient being used in the manufacture of the drug, no distinctiveness or exclusiveness can be claimed by the manufacturer. The said decision is applicable to the facts of this case as well; the mark  LETROZ‘ is nothing but a short name of the active ingredient  LETROZOLE‘.

Therefore not in all cases would a trade mark infringement case would be entertained if it is seen that there is no significance of such an infringment  that would in any way harm the Plaintiff in case of suit.

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Divorce lawyer fees in kolkata

Divorce lawyer fees in kolkata

Divorce lawyer fees in kolkata  is a tricky question , these factors depend on experience of an an advocate  that apart  there are several factors like  the intricacy of the case, the length of the procedures, the lawyer’s experience, expertise, and reputation.

Whom to choose as a Divorce Lawyer in Kolkata

Divorce lawyer in kolkata 

Advocate Tapan Choudhury  charges no fees for filing matters in kolkata related to divorce.  Furthur charges are dependent on the complexity of the case. In case of Mutual consent divorce the fees is very negligible as there are no issues to be adjudicated upon by the court . The only ground however is temperamental differences. Whether the court will allow a mutual consent divorce or not is completely dependent upon the discretion of the court . The court would first see whether it is a valid marriage and secondly the parties are living separately for more than a year.

Divorce lawyer in kolkata

All you need to do is visit the lawyers office at Kolkata for consultation and once satisfied and you feel that your budget allows you to feel comfortable with the divorce lawyer fees in kolkata you have the choice to moving ahead with your case.  Law Office of Advocate Tapan Choudhury makes your work easy as they maintain 100 percent confidentiality and is focussed on efficiency. You will be informed of every step of the case.

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Sections 164 and 161 Crpc

Section 164  Crpc

Section 164 CrPc deals with the recording of statements and confessions of witnesses or accused persons by a Judicial Magistrate. This section is important in criminal proceedings as it lays down the procedure for recording statements and confessions before a Magistrate.Section 164  and section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) 1973 are important in evidence.

The section provides that any Metropolitan Magistrate or Judicial Magistrate may, whether or not he has jurisdiction in the case, record any statement or confession made to him in the course of an investigation or inquiry under the CrPC or under any other law for the time being in force, relating to any offence.

The Magistrate must ensure that the statement or confession is made voluntarily and without any threat or inducement. He must also explain to the person making the statement or confession that he is not bound to make it and that it may be used as evidence against him.

The statement or confession must be recorded in the language in which it was made, and the Magistrate must sign the record and also the person making the statement or confession may sign it if he wishes to do so.

The recorded statement or confession can be used as evidence in any inquiry or trial in any case, subject to the rules of evidence. However, if the person making the statement or confession retracts it later, the court must consider the reasons for the retraction and other relevant circumstances before deciding whether to rely on it as evidence or not.

In summary, Section 164 CrPC provides for the recording of statements and confessions of witnesses or accused persons before a Magistrate in a manner that ensures their voluntary and truthful nature, and such recordings can be used as evidence in criminal proceedings.

statement  under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (“Cr.P.C”) cannot be used as a substantive piece of evidence and can only be used for the purpose of either contradicting or corroborating the witness. Somasundra @ Somu vs. State (2020) 7 SCC 722 .

On the other hand Section 161 Crpc  deals with the power of the police to examine witnesses during an investigation. The section states that:

Any police officer making an investigation under this chapter, or any police officer not below such rank as the State Government may, by general or special order, prescribe in this behalf, acting on the requisition of such officer, may examine orally any person supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case.

Such person shall be bound to answer truly all questions relating to such case put to him by such officer, other than questions the answers to which would have a tendency to expose him to a criminal charge or to a penalty or forfeiture.

The police officer may reduce into writing any statement made to him in the course of an examination under this section, and if he does so, he shall make a separate and true record of the statement of each such person whose statement he records.

In simple terms, this section empowers the police to examine witnesses during an investigation and require them to answer questions truthfully. However, the witnesses are protected from answering any questions that may incriminate them. Additionally, any statements made by the witnesses during the examination can be reduced to writing and used as evidence in court.

In criminal trials these two sections are very important as contradictions in statements given by witnesses under section 164 and 161 are put to test during trial and forms the most important basis of cross examination .

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Board Resolution passed by Companies


A board resolution is a formal document that records the decisions and actions taken by the board of directors of a company. The specific ingredients of a  resolution may vary depending on the nature of the decision being made and the requirements of the company’s governing documents and applicable laws and regulations. However, some common elements of a resolution include:

  1. Heading: The heading of the  resolution should include the name of the company, the date on which the resolution was passed, and a reference to the section of the law or the company’s governing documents under which the resolution is being passed.
  2. Introduction: The introduction should provide some background information on the matter being considered, including any relevant facts or circumstances that led to the decision.
  3. Resolution clause: This clause should clearly state the decision being made by the board. It should be specific and unambiguous, and should include any necessary details such as the amount of funds being allocated, the terms of a contract, or the appointment of a new officer.
  4. Voting: The resolution should also include information about the voting process, including the number of directors who voted in favor, against or abstained from voting.
  5. Signatures: The  resolution should be signed by the chairman of the meeting, and by all the directors who participated in the meeting.
  6. Record keeping: It is important to ensure that the resolution is properly recorded and maintained as part of the company’s official records.

In summary, a  resolution should be clear, concise, and accurate, and should reflect the decisions and actions taken by the board in accordance with the company’s governing documents and applicable laws and regulations.

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NDPS Act, 1985

                                      NDPS Act, 1985

Provisions for bail   when arrested under NDPS Act, 1985.

Section 25 IEA reads as under:

“25. Confession to police-officer not to be proved. ––

No confession made to a police-officer, shall be proved as against a person accused of any offence.”

Section 27 IEA reads as under: “27. How much of information received from accused may be proved. –– Provided that, when any fact is deposed to as discovered inconsequence of information received from a person accused of any offence, in the custody of a police officer, so much of such information, whether it amounts to a confession or not, as relates distinctly to the fact thereby discovered, may be proved.”

Section 67 NDPS Act reads as under:

“67. Power to call for information, etc.—Any officer referred to in section 42 who is authorised in this behalf by the Central Government or a State Government may, during the course of any enquiry in connection with the contravention of any provision of this Act,—

  • call for information from any person for the purpose of satisfying himself whether there has been any contravention of the provisions of this Act or any rule or order made thereunder;
  • require any person to produce or deliver any document or thing useful or relevant to the enquiry;
  • examine any person acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case.”

The  Hon’ble  Delhi High Court in State v. Navjot Sandhu @ Afsan Guru Crl. A. No. 80/2003 wherein this Hon‟ble Court, after placing reliance on Pulukuri  Kottaya and Ors v. The King-Emperor 1946 SCC OnLine PC 49, and several other judgments of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court and other courts, summarized the law governing Section 27 IEA as follows:

“396. We, therefore,  hold that in order that Section 27 may be brought in aid, the prosecution must establish:—

  1. That consequent to the information given by the accused, it led to the discovery of some fact stated by him.
  2. The fact discovered must be one which was not within the knowledge of the police and the knowledge of the fact was for the first time derived from the information given by the accused.
  3. Information given by the accused must lead to the discovery of a fact which is the direct outcome of such information.
  4. The discovery of the fact must be in relation to a material object and of course would then embrace within its fold the mental condition i.e. the knowledge of the accused of the place from where the object was produced and the knowledge that it was there.
  5. Only such portion of the information as is distinctly connected with the said discovery is admissible
  6. The discovery of the fact must relate to the commission of some offence.”

Section 34 IEA reads as under:

“34. [Entries in books of account, including those maintained in an electronic from], when relevant. –– [Entries in books of account, including those maintained in an electronic from], regularly kept in the course of business, are relevant whenever they refer to a matter into which the Court has to inquire, but such statements shall not alone be sufficient evidence to charge any person with liability.

          Bail when arrested under NDPS Act, 1985

The  Honble Supreme Court in CBI v. V.C. Shukla and Ors., (1998) 3 SCC 410 wherein it was observed that:”

“17. From a plain reading of the Section it is manifest that to make an entry relevant thereunder it must be shown that it has been made in a book, that book is a book of account and that book of account has been regularly kept in the course of business. From the above Section it is also manifest that even if the above requirements are fulfilled and the entry becomes admissible as relevant evidence, still, the statement made therein shall not alone be sufficient evidence to charge any person with liability. It is thus seen that while the first part of the section speaks of the relevancy of the entry as evidence, the second park speaks, in a negative way, of its evidentiary value for charging a person with a liability. It will, therefore, be necessary for us to first ascertain whether the entries in the documents, with which we are concerned, fulfil the requirements of the above section so as to be admissible in evidence and if this question is answered in the affirmative then only its probative value need be assessed.

                                     NDPS Act, 1985

The operative paras of the judgment of Tofan Singh v. State of Tamil Nadu, (2021) 4 SCC 1 which categorically held that Section 67 NDPS Act is hit by Section 25 of the Evidence Act  in this regard are reproduced below:

“155. Thus, to arrive at the conclusion that a confessional statement made before an officer designated under section 42 or section 53 can be the basis to convict a person under the NDPS Act, without any non obstante clause doing away with section 25 of the Evidence Act, and without any safeguards, would be a direct infringement of the constitutional guarantees contained in Articles 14, 20(3) and 21 of the Constitution of India.

The Delhi High Court coordinate bench judgment viz., Amit Ranjan v. Narcotics Control Bureau, Delhi (2022) SCC OnLine Del 1532 wherein the court granted bail in similar circumstances by holding that CDR details and monetary transactions are seen at the time of trial. The relevant portion of the judgment reads as under:

“50. It is essential to observe that the aspects of the CDR details and alleged connection between K.K. Pharma Solutions and Vinay Pharmaceuticals and the applicant and the co-accused persons and monetary transactions between them being in relation to illicit trafficking of narcotic or psychotropic substances can only be gauged at trial. In view thereof, there having been no recovery of any alleged narcotic or psychotropic substances of a commercial quantity having been effected from the applicant and apart from the confessional statements made by the applicant and the coaccused which confessional statement made by the applicant has already been retracted, presently, this Court is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the applicant is not guilty of the commission of the said offences and in view of his clean antecedents that he is not likely to commit any offence whilst on bail…‖

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Conditions for grant of bail


The Hon’ble  Supreme Court has  time and again laid down principles in relation to exercise of discretionary power for grant of bail, particularly, when the bails are refused by the Courts below.

While considering the application for bail Courts always   consider the following conditions prior to grant of bail.

i)nature of the charge,
ii)the nature of the evidence,
iii)the severity of punishment to which the accused may be liable if convicted,
iv)the antecedents of the man applying for bail that might suggest that he is likely to commit serious offences while on bail.

The Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Ash Mohammad v. Shiv Raj Singh, (2012) 9 SCC 446 observed as under:

“17. We are absolutely conscious that liberty of a person should not be lightly dealt with, for deprivation of liberty of a person has immense impact on the mind of a person. Incarceration creates a concavity in the personality of an individual. Sometimes it causes a sense of vacuum. Needless to emphasise, the sacrosanctity of liberty is paramount in a civilised society. However, in a democratic body polity which is wedded to the rule of law an individual is expected to grow within the social restrictions sanctioned by law. The individual liberty is restricted by larger social interest and its deprivation must have due sanction of law. In an orderly society an individual is expected to live with dignity having respect for law and also giving due respect to others’ rights. It is a well-accepted principle that the concept of liberty is not in the realm of absolutism but is a restricted one. The cry of the collective for justice, its desire for peace and harmony and its necessity for security cannot be allowed to be trivialised. The life of an individual living in a society governed by the rule of law has to be regulated and such regulations which are the source in law subserve the social balance and function as a significant instrument for protection of human rights and security of the collective. It is because fundamentally laws are made for their obedience so that every member of the society lives peacefully in a society to achieve his individual as well as social interest. That is why Edmond Burke while discussing about liberty opined, “it is regulated freedom”.

  1. It is also to be kept in mind that individual liberty cannot be accentuated to such an extent or elevated to such a high pedestal which would bring in anarchy or disorder in the society. The prospect of greater justice requires that law and order should prevail in a civilised milieu. True it is, there can be no arithmetical formula for fixing the parameters in precise exactitude but the adjudication should express not only application of mind but also exercise of jurisdiction on accepted and established norms. Law and order in a society protect the established precepts and see to it that contagious crimes do not become epidemic. In an organised society the concept of liberty basically requires citizens to be responsible and not to disturb the tranquillity and safety which every well-meaning person desires.

Not for nothing J. Oerter stated:

“Personal liberty is the right to act without interference  within the limits of the law.”
  1. Thus analysed, it is clear that though liberty is a greatly cherished value in the life of an individual, it is a controlled and restricted one and no element in the society can act in a manner by consequence of which the life or liberty of others is jeopardised, for the rational collective does not countenance an anti-social or anti-collective act.


The grant of bail in exercise of discretionary power of the Court         is  necessarily exercised in a judicious manner and not as a matter         of  course. Therefore it can be concluded that  prior to grant of           bail ,  precautions are exercised by courts considering that life and       personal liberty of those who live in society are not jeopardised .

Author- Tapan Choudhury, Advocate


